Looking for the tools to run EMCS efficiently?
EU imposes excise duties on alcoholic beverages. If your company is approved to receive or dispatch excise goods in duty suspension, you’ll need to use a computerized system, EMCS (Excise Movement and Control System), to record duty suspended movements of excise goods within the EU.
How Drink-IT takes the hassle out of EMCS
Duty Management is a concern for all alcohol producing and selling beverage companies, and should be a standard, integrated functionality in any modern beverage business solution.
The Drink-IT beverage business solution gives you easy to use out-of-the-box capabilities to drive EMCS efficiency.

With Drink-IT EMCS you can:
- Comply with e-AD requirements
- Analyse tax-relevant movements of relevant goods
- Easily submit data to the authorities
- Capture and process movement information online
- Validate the data entered
- Get real-time notification on dispatch and receipt of duty suspended excise goods
- Exchange secure online messages containing specific consignment and movement information between EU trading partners
EMCS is fully integrated in Drink-IT Warehouse & Distribution.

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- Simplify your processes
- Boost your entire value chain
- Increase productivity and agility
- Run your business like the best