Drink-IT optimises your sales processes
Move and track goods at
maximum efficiency and minimum cost
- and get rid of errors, losses and lack of visibility
Transportation Management
Drink-IT Transportation Management empowers you to easily plan your beverage company's transportation and move goods more efficiently, reliably and cost effectively. And all while reducing your freight spend and optimising your customer service and warehouse efficiency.
- Easily assign drivers and trucks
- Optimised route planning
- Pre-set routes for each day
- See constraints on weight, volume and delivery date
- See needed actions on loads
- Manage external logistics partners

If your beverage company ships alcoholic beverages under suspension of duty, you need an EMCS (Excise Movement and Control System). It manages your movements and submits shipment details to the Member State Administration. It's also fully integrated with the purchases, sales and transfer processes in your company.
- Aligned with the e-AD requirements
- Easy monitoring of movements of goods under suspension of duty within the EU
- Enables communication between the consignor and the consignee by the Member States’ administrations

Integrated Scanning
Drink-IT´s fully integrated online scanning system provides faster and more accurate information for an array of benefits. These include increased warehouse and distribution efficiency through simplified SSCC pallet tracking, elimination of data entry errors and dramatically increased visibility.
- Integrated with the SSCC pallet tracking module
- Easy assignment of warehouse tasks
- Easy handling of full and mixed pallets
- Stocks corrections at lot and/or pallet level
- Split and join pallets via scanner
- Registration of consumed raw materials and finished products
- Easily check correctness of purchase receipts and shipments
- Easier handling of returned items

Want to make beverage a better business?
Get our FREE brochure with ideas on how to make your business more profitable. Download the brochure to explore how you can:
- Simplify your processes
- Boost your entire value chain
- Increase productivity and agility
- Run your business like the best