Realise the real value of budgeting and forecasting
Done right, financial planning control gives beverage companies powerful accounting capabilities that help them easily manage everything from daily costs to future initiatives with a major financial impact.
What can your finance department do?
With an advanced digital planning and control tool, your finance department can address the most pressing challenges to reducing your business risks.
With analysis, budgeting, cost-accounting and calculation capabilities all available in one tool, finance can easily, and in real-time, see and allocate valid costs, plan ahead financially and reduce your business risks.
Drink-IT takes the hassle out of Plan & Control
The Drink-IT Plan & Control software powered by Seneca is a flexible, user-friendly and web-based management accounting solution for the beverage industry. Using it you can identify costs and plan, simulate and automate financial reporting based on financial data from Drink-IT.

Plan & Control makes it easy for you to benefit from:
- Valid cost accounting - see what something costs and why, and allocate costs properly according to actual cost drivers
- Easy financial planning - monitor the progress of your cost centre and define relevant cost drivers for the allocation of cost types and centres.
Plan & Control is fully integrated in Drink-IT Finance & Tax Management.

Want to make beverage a better business?
Get our FREE brochure with ideas on how to make your business more profitable. Download the brochure to explore how you can:
- Simplify your processes
- Boost your entire value chain
- Increase productivity and agility
- Run your business like the best