New Customer: Brouwerij Bosteels
Brouwerij Bosteels has chosen Drink-IT ERP!
Brouwerij Bosteels of Buggenhout, Belgium has been brewing beer for more than 200 years. The company still belongs to the Bosteels family. Specialty beers, including the famous brands Kwak, Tripel Karmeliet and DeuS Brut des Flandres, are available in dozens of countries inside and outside of Europe.
Brouwerij Bosteels will start with the Drink-IT ERP solution for the following domains: financial, purchasing, sales, production and business intelligence. It has also purchased the Drink-IT modules for tax management (incl. EMCS), deposit management, discounts & promotions.
You can find more information about Brouwerij Bosteels here.